6. Running Galaxy Simulations

6.1. Cosmological Simulations (Large-Box)

6.1.1. Initial Conditions With MUSIC

The very first thing we’ll need to do is to set up initial conditions with MUSIC (https://www-n.oca.eu/ohahn/MUSIC/). Please note: the following instructions for MUSIC are for a non-zoom in cosmological simulation only. Please see below for initial conditions generation for cosmological zoom in simulations.

Unfortunately, the IC generation is slightly different for Gizmo vs Arepo because why would things be easy. Where differences exist, we’ll note them.

For MUSIC, you’ll need a few libraries (compiler, GSL and FFTW loaded at the least). I suggest having your flags and paths set in the compiler as something like:

### compiler and path settings
CC      = icc
OPT     = -Wall -Wno-unknown-pragmas -O3 -g -mtune=native
LFLAGS  = -lgsl -lgslcblas #-ldrfftw_threads
CPATHS  = -I./src -I$(HOME)/local/include -I/opt/local/include -I/usr/local/include -I$(HPC_FFTW_INC) -I$(HPC_GSL_INC)
LPATHS  = -L$(HOME)/local/lib -L/opt/local/lib -L/usr/local/lib -L$(HPC_FFTW_LIB) -L$(HPC_GSL_LIB)

So that the code automagically looks for whatever is added to your path when you module load the libraries. In principle, you can just load modules before compiling like (as of 10/12/23, this is known to work for RHEL8 for music git hash 6747c54f3b73ec36719c265fd96362849a83cb45):

module load intel/2020.0.166  openmpi/4.1.5  hdf5/1.14.1 git/2.30.1  cmake/3.26.4 fftw/3.3.10  gsl/2.7 libz/1.2.11

GIZMO: The next thing you’ll need is a configuration file for MUSIC. Let’s set up a config file for a 25/h Mpc (side-length) and 512^3 (particle number) box. The config file could look something like this:

[desika.narayanan@login1 ICs]$ pwd

[desika.narayanan@login1 ICs]$ cat ics_m25n512.conf
boxlength             = 25
zstart                        = 249
levelmin              = 9
levelmin_TF           = 9
levelmax              = 9
padding                       = 8
overlap                       = 4
ref_center              = 0,0,0
ref_extent              = 0,0,0
align_top             = no
baryons                       = yes
use_2LPT              = no
use_LLA                       = no
periodic_TF           = yes

Omega_m                       = 0.3
Omega_L                       = 0.7
Omega_b                       = 0.048
H0                    = 68.0
sigma_8                       = 0.82
nspec                 = 0.97
transfer              = eisenstein

seed[9]                       = 8675309

##Gadget-2 (type=1: high-res particles, type=5: rest)
format                        = gadget2
filename              = ics_m25n512
gadget_usekpc         = yes
gadget_usemsol                = no

fft_fine              = yes
accuracy              = 1e-5
pre_smooth            = 3
post_smooth           = 3
smoother              = gs
laplace_order         = 6
grad_order            = 6

Now note, there are a ton of options not listed here (that work both with other hydrocodes than gadget-oids, as well as even for gadget itself, and you should check out the MUSIC manual for those). But in short, the [setup] region of this tells you some obvious basics – box size, what redshift should the IC be set up for, what is the coordinate system, etc. The levelmin/max stuff is the particle count – so 9==2^9==512. Similarly, we set that we want baryons (unless, of course, we don’t…) and our cosmology. Important: this cosmology will need to be the same as what we use in our actual hydro simulation.

Arepo: For Arepo things are slightly different. Here, Arepo

actually adds the baryons itself, so we have to generate a file with no baryons. This looks different from the aforementioned Gizmo MUSIC IC in the following way:

baryons                      = no
format                       = arepo_double
##gadget_usekpc              = yes
##gadget_usemsol             = no

note what is commented out above.

Once this config file is set, we need to actually run MUSIC on the config file to create the IC:

[desika.narayanan@login1 ICs]$ pwd

[desika.narayanan@login1 ICs]$ cat music.job
#SBATCH --job-name=music
#SBATCH --output=music.o
#SBATCH --error=music.e
#SBATCH --mail-type=ALL
#SBATCH --mail-user=desika.narayanan@gmail.com
#SBATCH --time=36:00:00
#SBATCH --ntasks=1
#SBATCH --cpus-per-task=32
#SBATCH --mem-per-cpu=3800
#SBATCH --account=narayanan
#SBATCH --qos=narayanan-b

module purge

module load intel/2020.0.166  openmpi/4.1.5  hdf5/1.14.1 git/2.30.1  cmake/3.26.4 fftw/3.3.10  gsl/2.7 libz/1.2.11
./MUSIC ics_m25n512.conf

and the resultant file (which we set in the .conf file to be ics_m25n512) is the HDF5 initial condition for the simulation!

6.1.2. Compiling Gizmo

We next want to run the actual gizmo simulation. You’ll need to clone the gizmo repository. Typically we’ve been using the SIMBA set of galaxy physics, which you can find here: https://bitbucket.org/romeeld/gizmo-mufasa/src/master/ (note, this is private so you’ll need access).

To comppile, the first thing we need is a Makefile that is set for our system. Edit Makefile.systype to have evverythign commented out except the system we plan on using. For example:

# Select Target Computer
# Please copy this file to Makefile.systype and uncomment your
# system. Don't commit changes to this file unless you add support for
# a new system.
# This file was originally part of the GADGET3 code developed by
#   Volker Springel (volker.springel@h-its.org).



Where, here, we are obviously saying we’ll compile using intel compilers on HPG. The next thing to do is to ensure that there are actually system directives in the Makefile to actually compile! For example, in the Makefile, have something like:

ifeq ($(SYSTYPE),"hipergator-intel")
CC   =  mpicc
CXX  =  mpicxx
FC   =  $(CC)
GSL_INCL    = -I/apps/intel/2018.1.163/gsl/2.4/include
FFTW_HOME   = /apps/intel/2018.1.163/openmpi/3.1.0/fftw/2.1.5/
FFTW_INCL   = -I$(FFTW_HOME)/include
FFTW_LIBS   = -L$(FFTW_HOME)/lib64
HDF5LIB     = -L$(HPC_HDF5_LIB) -lhdf5
BLAS_LIBS   = -L$(HPC_MKL_LIB) -lmkl_intel_lp64 -lmkl_sequential -lmkl_core

Finally, we’ll need to make some decisions about how to actually run gizmo, given the physics that is implemented in the fork that we have. This is really going to depend on your specific needs, so there’s no catch-all solution here. You can get the default Config.sh from the simba-gizmo site.

Now, we should be able to compile! Load the following modules, and compile!:

module purge
module load intel/2018
module load hdf5/1.10.1
module load openmpi/3.1.2
module load gsl/2.4
module load fftw/2.1.5
module load grackle

Once it’s compiled, there is a parameter file to edit. This will point to your IC file, your output directory. Some other things you’ll need to think about are the softening lengths: a reasonable default is box length/particles per side/200 (in Mpc). There’s a nice conversation in slack about this: https://desikasgroupofawesome.slack.com/archives/C5HBZLSKX/p1643211197032300

These things are included in the param file, which will be seperate for each simulation. You can find an example param file for a simba simulation at:


We’ll highlight some important parts of the param file:

%---- ICs and Output
InitCondFile /orange/narayanan/s.lower/simba/m25n256_dm/zooms/ICs/run5_halo0_ml10
OutputDir /blue/narayanan/s.lower/zoom_temp/run5_halo0/

%---- File formats
ICFormat  1 % 1=binary, 3=hdf5, 4=cluster
SnapFormat 3 % 1=binary, 3=hdf5

%---- Output parameters
RestartFile         restart
SnapshotFileBase      snapshot
OutputListOn        1 % =1 to use list in OutputListFilename
OutputListFilename       /orange/narayanan/s.lower/simba/m25n256_dm/zooms/15Myr_cadence_z1p5.txt
NumFilesPerSnapshot     1
NumFilesWrittenInParallel  1 % must be < N_processors & power of 2

The top part will point to your IC file and where you want to save the simulation snapshots. The second part specifies the format that the ICs are in and the format you want the snapshots to be in. The last part has a very important parameter called OutputListFilename, which sets the times (in simulation scale factor units) when the snapshots will be written. This is a pretty important scheme to choose carefully, since the science you want to do with these simulations could heavily depend on the time resolution of the snapshots (i.e., if you want to track the accretion of gas onto early halos, you’ll want fine time resolution in the first billion years). The file in this example tells Gizmo to write snapshots every 15 Myr starting at z=20. If the simulation runs to z=1.5, this will output ~200 snapshots. So your choice of time resolution is also dependent on storage requirements. So keep this in mind!:

%---- Cosmological parameters
ComovingIntegrationOn  1    % is it cosmological? (yes=1, no=0)
BoxSize         25000. % in code units
Omega0         0.3  % =0 for non-cosmological
OmegaLambda       0.7  % =0 for non-cosmological
OmegaBaryon       0.048  % =0 for non-cosmological
HubbleParam       0.68   % little 'h'; =1 for non-cosmological runs
%---- Accuracy of time integration
MaxSizeTimestep     0.005  % in code units, set for your problem
MinSizeTimestep     1.0e-12 % set this very low, or risk stability
%---- Tree algorithm, force accuracy, domain update frequency
TreeDomainUpdateFrequency  0.005    % 0.0005-0.05, dept on core+particle number

%---- Gravitational softening lengths
%----- Softening lengths per particle type. If ADAPTIVE_GRAVSOFT is set, these
%-------- are the minimum softening allowed for each type -------
%-------- (units are co-moving for cosmological integrations)
SofteningGas  0.15  % gas (type=0) (in units above, =1 pc softening)
SofteningHalo  0.15  % dark matter/collisionless particles (type=1)
SofteningDisk  0.15  % collisionless particles (type=2)
SofteningBulge 0.15  % collisionless particles (type=3)
SofteningStars 0.15  % stars spawned from gas (type=4)
SofteningBndry 0.15  % black holes (if active), or collisionless (type=5)
%---- if these are set in cosmo runs, SofteningX switches from comoving to physical
%------- units when the comoving value exceeds the choice here
SofteningGasMaxPhys   0.15  % switch to 0.5pc physical below z=1
SofteningHaloMaxPhys  0.15
SofteningDiskMaxPhys  0.15
SofteningBulgeMaxPhys  0.15
SofteningStarsMaxPhys  0.15
SofteningBndryMaxPhys  0.15
%----- parameters for adaptive gravitational softening
AGS_DesNumNgb      64 % neighbor number for calculating adaptive gravsoft

Next, we need to match the boxsize and cosmology to the values used to generate the ICs. And finally, you need to adjust the softening lengths to the box size / resolution as mentioned above.

Then, you should be in business to run! This is an example from one of Sidney’s zooms:

[desika.narayanan@login1 zooms]$ pwd
[desika.narayanan@login1 zooms]$ more simba_ompi.job
#SBATCH --job-name=r31_ml11
#SBATCH --output=run_logs/run31_ml11.log
#SBATCH --mem-per-cpu=3900
#SBATCH --time=96:00:00
#SBATCH --mail-user=s.lower@ufl.edu
#SBATCH --mail-type=ALL
#SBATCH --ntasks=512
#SBATCH --ntasks-per-socket=8
#SBATCH --distribution=cyclic:cyclic
#SBATCH --cpus-per-task=1
##SBATCH --partition=hpg-default
#SBATCH --account=narayanan
#SBATCH --qos=narayanan-b
##SBATCH --account=astronomy-dept
##SBATCH --qos=astronomy-dept-b

module purge
module load intel/2018
module load hdf5/1.10.1
module load openmpi/3.1.2
module load gsl/2.4
module load fftw/2.1.5
module load grackle

export OMPI_MCA_pml="ucx"
export OMPI_MCA_btl="^vader,tcp,openib"
export OMPI_MCA_oob_tcp_listen_mode="listen_thread"

cd $DATADIR/gizmo_simba_track_dust
srun --mpi=pmix_v2  GIZMO $DATADIR/ml11_zoom_param_files/run31_halo0_ml11.param

6.1.3. Compiling Arepo

Arepo is similar to Gizmo with the following updates:

module purge
module load intel/2018.1.163
module load openmpi/3.1.2
module load gsl/2.4
module load fftw/3.3.7
module list

Like with Gizmo you’ll need to look at someone else’s Config.sh to compile to set the correct physics. This said there is one important note: to use the MUSIC ICs as described above (with baryons off), we’ll need this set for sure in the Config.sh:


Finally to compile, we type:

make clean
make build

6.2. Cosmological Simulations (Zoom-in)

Running a cosmological zoom-in simulation is more or less the same as a large box simulation, though with one major difference: the IC file created by music is rather different. As a summary: For a zoom-in simulation, we want to have first run a large box low-resolution dark matter only simulation. From that large box simulation, we then identify a halo with Caesar that we want to “zoom-in” on. With Caesar, we will create a ‘mask’ around this halo which identifies region we want to re-simulate at high resolution. This information is then fed into MUSIC which will split the particles that are in this high resolution mask N times (in order to obtain a desired particle resolution), and everything outside of this mask (from the parent DM only large box simulation) will remain at low-resolution. This allows us to capture large scale torques/gravitational effects on the zoom galaxy of interest, while maintaining high particle resolution within the zoomed-in halo.

To write the mask, we will use CAESAR in the following manner:

import numpy as np
import caesar,yt

#modeled after /orange/narayanan/s.lower/simba/m25n256_dm/zooms/halo_masks/write_halo_mask.py

snapshot = '/orange/narayanan/s.lower/simba/m25n256_dm/output/run1/snapshot_008.hdf5'
icfile = '/orange/narayanan/s.lower/simba/m25n256_dm/IC_stuff/run1_ICs/ics_m25n256_Run1.0'
caesarfile = '/orange/narayanan/s.lower/simba/m25n256_dm/output/run1/Groups/caesar_snapshot_008.hdf5'
halonum =0

outfile = 'run1_halo0.mask.txt'

obj = caesar.load(caesarfile)
ic = icfile
ds = yt.load(snapshot)
ic_ds = yt.load(ic)
obj.yt_dataset = ds

Where icfile is the initial conditions MUSIC file from the parent dark matter only simulation, and the snapshot is the snapshot we’re building the zoom from. This snapshot should represent the latest possible redshift you are interested in running the zoom to (since if you run past this, then low-res particles will eventually fall into the halo and contaminate it). There’s an art to choosing this final redshift: you obviously don’t want to short change yourself and pick a final redshift that’s too large, only to wish you could run your zoom further. At the same time, the lower the redshift of this final snapshot (that we select the halo to resimulate from), the more particles there will be in it, and the harder the zoom in simulation will be to run.

There is additionally some art to choosing the radius_type above. The larger the radius_type, the less likely we are to suffer contamination down the line. At the same time, too large of a radius will not only slow the simulation down, but we can’t have a radius larger than the box size or else we’ll get the following error from MUSIC:

- ERROR: On level 9, subgrid is larger than half the box. This is not allowed!
  terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::runtime_error'
  what():  Fatal: Subgrid larger than half boxin zoom.
  Aborted (core dumped)
The options for radii types for dark halos are printed below (though note the baryon ones won’t work if your initial low-res simulation is DM only)::

dict_keys([‘baryon_half_mass’, ‘baryon_r20’, ‘baryon_r80’, ‘dm_half_mass’, ‘dm_r20’, ‘dm_r80’, ‘total_half_mass’, ‘total_r20’, ‘total_r80’])

[more to fill in yet - just a place holder for now]

6.3. Idealized Galaxy Simulations

First, all of the relevant files live on a private GitHub space at https://github.com/dnarayanan/arepo_ics - be sure to ask if you don’t have permissions here.

6.3.1. Initial Conditions

Make New Disk:

The first thing we’ll need to do is run MakeNewDisk in order to make an idealized galaxy disk IC. You can find some examples on HiPerGator here:


(though note because of the size only the MW example is on GitHub). You have to edit the resolution in main.c and then:

make clean

This is light weight code and can usually run from even a login node. You can just run from something like:

./MakeHubbleType ./output/MW.dat

which produces your basic initial condition file.

Adding Backgrounds for Arepo Simulations If we were running a gizmo simulation, we could stop right here. Note, however, if we are running an arepo simulation, this will require a background grid to be added to the IC. To do this, we use sbatch_makeIC.sh which is a job script that calls arepo from the arepo_addbg directory. Note, you’ll need a working executable for arepo in that directory. There are param files that are necessary for adding the background – these parameter files will have the params you’ll use at simulation runtime, and there are examples in:


as well as the GitHub repo. An example of this .sh file (for posterity) is:

(pd4env_gcc) [desika.narayanan@login2 MakeGalaxy]$ more sbatch_makeIC.sh
#SBATCH --job-name=makeIC
#SBATCH --mail-type=ALL
#SBATCH --mail-user=desika.narayanan@gmail.com
#SBATCH --time=1:00:00
#SBATCH --nodes=8
#SBATCH --tasks-per-node=16
#SBATCH --ntasks-per-socket=16
#SBATCH --cpus-per-task=1
#SBATCH --distribution=cyclic:cyclic
#SBATCH --mem-per-cpu=8gb

#SBATCH --partition=hpg-default
#SBATCH --account=narayanan
#SBATCH --qos=narayanan

module purge
#module load ddt/18.0.2
module load intel/2018
module load gsl
module load openmpi/3.1.2
module load hdf5
#module load grackle


export OMPI_MCA_pml="ucx"
export OMPI_MCA_btl="^vader,tcp,openib"
export OMPI_MCA_oob_tcp_listen_mode="listen_thread"

srun --mpi=pmix_v2     ./arepo_addbg/Arepo   arepo_addbg/param_MW_ultra_lowres.txt 0        1> output_makeIC/OUTPUT  2> output_makeIC/ERROR

When you run this background addition, it will automatically make a new file that has the appendate “–with-grid.hdf5”. For example if your input file was called “MW_lr.dat”, your output file (assuming output type 3 is used) will be called “MW_lr.dat-with-grid.hdf5”

Further Modifying ICs for Dust

We have one final step which is to move all type 2 and type 3 particles to type 4. We do this with a script written by Qi Li called modifyIC.py – there’s an example on GitHub as well as at:


Run this and we should have a new IC that is ready for Arepo as well!

6.3.2. Run Time

You can find examples of the parameter files in the GitHub subdirectory idealized_repo_example or at:
