7. Running POWDERDAY Simulations

7.1. Is POWDERDAY Working?

First, if you have not already, you’ll need to verify that your POWDERDAY is working properly. To do so, follow the checks at the POWDERDAY installation docs (https://powderday.readthedocs.io/en/latest/). My usual test is the SKIRT GIZMO Milky Way zoom simulation. Briefly, you’ll want to follow these commands after loading the appropriate modules:

cd powderday
python pd_front_end.py tests/SKIRT/gizmo_mw_zoom parameters_master_gizmo parameters_model_gizmo

If all goes will, this should finish without a problem. You should also check the output SED following the POWDERDAY installation docs. The ‘parameters_master’ file you use when running POWDERDAY will dictate exactly what important parameters you are giving to POWDERDAY (e.g. whether to have AGN on, IMF being used, etc.). The ‘parameters_model’ file includes information such as where the results will be stored, and where to find the galaxy in the simulation. If you’re unsure about whether everything in these two files is good, post in the Slack.

7.2. Workflow Setup

Retreive some version of Sidney’s scripts for automating (https://github.com/smlower/sl_simulation_tools) the POWDERDAY runs. Dhruv’s modified versions can be found in /home/d.zimmerman/sl_simulation_tools/ (and hopefully on GitHub soon). These are already set up to help automate everything and will make your life significantly easier.

7.3. Initial Setup Work

7.3.1. Filtering Galaxies [Optional]

At this point, you hopefully have a CAESAR file to reference for galaxies for the appropriate snapshots. If not, refer to the CAESAR docs (https://caesar.readthedocs.io/en/latest/) for how to get that done. At this point, you may wish to filter galaxies out of your cosmological simulation. This technique, originally developed by Ben Kimock and Sidney Lower, allows you to just grab the gas and star particles out of the parent snapshot, and create a mini snapshot with just an individual galaxy in it. (Note: this process does not automatically include PartType3 dust or PartType5 black holes, though it should be reasonably straight forward to update this as needed).

The value in filtering a snapshot is that it ensures that all of the emission from powderday only comes from particles associated with the galaxy in CAESAR. This helps when (e.g.) comparing physical properties as they would be derived from the observations with the true physical properties. A script that will filter all of the galaxies in an individual CAESAR snapshot as modified by Dhruv Zimmerman is below:

import h5py
import caesar
import sys
import glob
import numpy as np
import tqdm
import os

# Line arguments
snapshot_path = '/orange/narayanan/desika.narayanan/gizmo_runs/simba/m25n512/output/snapshot_'
snap_num = 59
output_path = '/orange/narayanan/desika.narayanan/gizmo_runs/simba/m25n512/filtered_snaps/snap'+str(snap_num).zfill(3)
caesar_file = '/orange/narayanan/desika.narayanan/gizmo_runs/simba/m25n512/output/Groups/caesar_0059_z7.490.hdf5'

#see if the output path exists, and if not, make it

if not os.path.exists(output_path):
      print("creating output directory: "+output_path)

obj = caesar.load(caesar_file)
snap_str = str(snap_num).zfill(3)

input_file = h5py.File(snapshot_path+str(snap_str)+'.hdf5', 'r')

galcount = len(obj.galaxies)
for galaxy in range(galcount):
      print("GALAXY NUM:",str(galaxy))
      glist = obj.galaxies[int(galaxy)].glist
      slist = obj.galaxies[int(galaxy)].slist

      with h5py.File(output_path+'galaxy_'+str(galaxy)+'.hdf5', 'w') as output_file:
          output_file.copy(input_file['Header'], 'Header')
          print('starting with gas attributes now')
          for k in tqdm.tqdm(input_file['PartType0']):
              output_file['PartType0'][k] = input_file['PartType0'][k][:][glist]
          print('moving to star attributes now')
          for k in tqdm.tqdm(input_file['PartType4']):
              output_file['PartType4'][k] = input_file['PartType4'][k][:][slist]

      print('done copying attributes, going to edit header now')
      outfile_reload = output_path+'galaxy_'+str(galaxy)+'.hdf5'

      re_out = h5py.File(outfile_reload,'r+')
      re_out['Header'].attrs.modify('NumPart_ThisFile', np.array([len(glist), 0, 0, 0, len(slist), 0]))
      re_out['Header'].attrs.modify('NumPart_Total', np.array([len(glist), 0, 0, 0, len(slist), 0]))


7.3.2. Galaxy Positions

The next, relatively minor, part of the setup process requires running the galaxy_positions.py script. The purpose of this script is to use the newly generated filtered snapshots and simply generate a list of the positions of the center of the galaxies. Again, Dhruv’s current version looks like this:

import h5py
import numpy as np
import sys, os
import numpy as np
import glob
import tqdm

# Line arguments
snap = int(sys.argv[1])
snap_dir = '/orange/narayanan/[...]' #where are the filtered galaxies?
outfile = '/orange/narayanan/[...]'+'_gal_positions.npz' #where do you want the output to go?

pos = {}
ngalaxies = {}
infiles = sorted(glob.glob(snap_dir+'/galaxy_*.hdf5'))
count = 0
for i in tqdm.tqdm(range(len(infiles))):
        infile = h5py.File(snap_dir+'/galaxy_'+str(i)+'.hdf5', 'r')
    pos['galaxy'+str(i)] = {}

    gas_masses = infile['PartType0']['Masses']
    gas_coords = infile['PartType0']['Coordinates']
    star_masses = infile['PartType4']['Masses']
    star_coords = infile['PartType4']['Coordinates']
    total_mass = np.sum(gas_masses) + np.sum(star_masses)

    x_pos = (np.sum(gas_masses * gas_coords[:,0]) + np.sum(star_masses * star_coords[:,0])) / total_mass
    y_pos = (np.sum(gas_masses * gas_coords[:,1]) + np.sum(star_masses * star_coords[:,1])) / total_mass
    z_pos = (np.sum(gas_masses * gas_coords[:,2]) + np.sum(star_masses * star_coords[:,2])) / total_mass

    pos['galaxy'+str(i)]['snap'+str(snap)] = np.array([x_pos, y_pos, z_pos])
ngalaxies['snap'+str(snap)] = count

np.savez(outfile, ngalaxies=ngalaxies, pos=pos)

7.3.3. Setting up POWDERDAY to Run on Filtered Galaxies

At this point, hopefully you have successfully filtered the galaxies in your CAESAR file into individual galaxy files and one file storing the center locations of these galaxies. Now you’re all set to worry about POWDERDAY. You are currently missing some parameters_model scripts for your POWDERDAY run. To resolve this, there are two important files you’ll need to use from https://github.com/smlower/sl_simulation_tools (only one directly) to get all set up: powderday_setup.py and cosmology_setup_all_cluster.hipergator.sh. The python script will call the bash script with location and temperature information pulled from the simulation. The bash script will automatically generate the parameters model files for you for each galaxy with the given information at the given locations. Dhruv’s current versions of these scripts are as follows:

# powderday_setup.py
#purpose: to set up slurm files and model *.py files from the
#positions written by caesar_cosmology_npzgen.py for a cosmological
#simulation.  This is written for the University of Florida's
#HiPerGator2 cluster.
import numpy as np
from subprocess import call
import sys

snap_dict = {'74':6.014,'80':5.530,'87':5.024,'95':4.515,'104':4.015,'115':3.489,'127':3.003,'142':2.496,'160':2.0,'183':1.497,'212':1.007,'252':0.501,'305':0.0} # edit this list as you see fit for the snapshots you use
simb_run = "m25n512" # what SIMBA box are you using?
snap_num = sys.argv[1] # takes the snapshot as an in-line parameter – important for the bash scripts
snap_redshift = snap_dict[snap_num]
npzfile = '/orange/narayanan/[…]/snap'+str(snap_num)+'_gal_positions.npz' # where did you put the galaxy positions file?
model_dir_base = '/orange/narayanan/[…]' # where do you want your POWDERDAY parameters model files to go?
out_dir_base = '/orange/narayanan/[…]’ # where do you want your SED files to go when POWDERDAY is finished?
hydro_dir = '/orange/narayanan/[…]' # where are your filtered galaxies?
hydro_dir_remote = hydro_dir
model_run_name='simba_m25n512' # shorthand for what you are running
COSMOFLAG=0 #flag for setting if the gadget snapshots are broken up into multiples or not and follow a nomenclature snapshot_000.0.hdf5
FILTERFLAG = 1 #flag for setting if the gadget snapshots are filtered or not, and follow a nomenclature galaxy_1800.hdf5 – this can easily be changed if you prefer some other naming convention
if (COSMOFLAG == 1) and (FILTERFLAG == 1):
data = np.load(npzfile,allow_pickle=True)
pos = data['pos'][()] #positions dictionary
#ngalaxies is the dict that says how many galaxies each snapshot has, in case it's less than NGALAXIES_MAX
ngalaxies = data['ngalaxies'][()]

for snap in [snap_num]: # artifact of old code, does not have to be a loop
        model_dir = model_dir_base
        model_dir_remote = model_dir
        tcmb = 2.73*(1.+snap_redshift) # will be important at higher z
        NGALAXIES = ngalaxies['snap'+str(snap)]

        for nh in range(NGALAXIES):
                        xpos = pos['galaxy'+str(nh)]['snap'+str(snap)][0] # extra positional information
                except: continue

                ypos = pos['galaxy'+str(nh)]['snap'+str(snap)][1]
                zpos = pos['galaxy'+str(nh)]['snap'+str(snap)][2]
                cmd = "./cosmology_setup_all_cluster.hipergator.sh "+str(nnodes)+' '+model_dir+' '+hydro_dir+' '+out_dir_base+' '+model_run_name+' '+str(COSMOFLAG)+' '+str(FILTERFLAG)+' '+model_dir_remote+' '+hydro_dir_remote+' '+str(xpos)+' '+str(ypos)+' '+str(zpos)+' '+str(nh)+' '+str(snap)+' '+str(tcmb)
                call(cmd,shell=True) # call the bash script with the calculated numbers as parameters

# start of bash script


#Powderday cluster setup convenience script for SLURM queue manager
#on HiPerGator at the University of FLorida.  This sets up the model
#files for a cosmological simulation where we want to model many
#galaxies at once.

#Notes of interest:

#1. This does *not* set up the parameters_master.py file: it is
#assumed that you will *very carefully* set this up yourself.

#2. This requires bash versions >= 3.0.  To check, type at the shell

# grab the numbers

echo "processing model file for galaxy,snapshot:  $galaxy,$snap"

#clear the pyc files
rm -f *.pyc

#set up the model_**.py file
echo "setting up the output directory in case it doesnt already exist"
echo "snap is: $snap"
echo "model dir is: $model_dir"
mkdir $model_dir

echo "writing to $filem"
rm -f $filem

# setting up header
echo "#Snapshot Parameters" >> $filem
echo "#<Parameter File Auto-Generated by setup_all_cluster.sh>" >> $filem
echo "snapshot_num =  $snap" >> $filem
echo "galaxy_num = $galaxy" >>$filem
echo -e "\n" >> $filem

echo -e "galaxy_num_str = str(galaxy_num)" >> $filem

# may need to include depending on how you converted to naming conventions
#echo "if galaxy_num < 10:" >> $filem
#echo -e "\t galaxy_num_str = '00'+str(galaxy_num)" >> $filem
#echo -e "elif galaxy_num >= 10 and galaxy_num <100:" >> $filem
#echo -e "\t galaxy_num_str = '0'+str(galaxy_num)" >> $filem
#echo -e "else:" >> $filem
#echo -e "\t galaxy_num_str = str(galaxy_num)" >> $filem

echo -e "\n" >>$filem

echo -e "snapnum_str = str(snapshot_num)" >> $filem

echo -e "\n" >>$filem
if [ $COSMOFLAG -eq 1 ]
        echo "hydro_dir = '$hydro_dir_remote/snapdir_'+snapnum_str+'/'">>$filem
        echo "snapshot_name = 'snapshot_'+snapnum_str+'.0.hdf5'" >>$filem
elif [ $FILTERFLAG -eq 1 ] # you’ll be using this 99.9% of the time
        echo "hydro_dir = '$hydro_dir_remote/'">>$filem
        echo "snapshot_name = 'galaxy_'+str(galaxy_num)+'.hdf5'">>$filem # change this line for filtered naming conventions
        echo "hydro_dir = '$hydro_dir_remote/'">>$filem
        echo "snapshot_name = 'snapshot_'+snapnum_str+'.hdf5'" >>$filem

echo -e "\n" >>$filem

echo "#where the files should go" >>$filem
echo "PD_output_dir = '${out_dir}/' ">>$filem # again, where you want things to go
echo "Auto_TF_file = 'snap'+snapnum_str+'.logical' ">>$filem # COME BACK
echo "Auto_dustdens_file = 'snap'+snapnum_str+'.dustdens' ">>$filem # COME BACK

echo -e "\n\n" >>$filem
echo "#===============================================" >>$filem
echo "#FILE I/O" >>$filem
echo "#===============================================" >>$filem
echo "inputfile = PD_output_dir+'snap'+snapnum_str+'.galaxy'+galaxy_num_str+'.rtin'" >>$filem
echo "outputfile = PD_output_dir+'snap'+snapnum_str+'.galaxy'+galaxy_num_str+'.rtout'" >>$filem
echo -e "\n\n" >>$filem
echo "#===============================================" >>$filem
echo "#GRID POSITIONS" >>$filem
echo "#===============================================" >>$filem
echo "x_cent = ${xpos}" >>$filem
echo "y_cent = ${ypos}" >>$filem
echo "z_cent = ${zpos}" >>$filem

echo -e "\n\n" >>$filem
echo "#===============================================" >>$filem
echo "#CMB INFORMATION" >>$filem
echo "#===============================================" >>$filem
echo "TCMB = ${tcmb}" >>$filem
# from here we make the job script that you can use
echo "writing slurm submission master script file"
rm -f $qsubfile
echo $qsubfile
echo "#! /bin/bash" >>$qsubfile
echo "#SBATCH --job-name=${model_run_name}.snap${snap}" >>$qsubfile
echo "#SBATCH --output=pd.master.snap${snap}.o" >>$qsubfile
echo "#SBATCH --error=pd.master.snap${snap}.e" >>$qsubfile
echo "#SBATCH --mail-type=ALL" >>$qsubfile
echo "#SBATCH --mail-user=[…]@ufl.edu" >>$qsubfile # your email
echo "#SBATCH --time=48:00:00" >>$qsubfile
echo "#SBATCH --tasks-per-node=32">>$qsubfile
echo "#SBATCH --nodes=$n_nodes">>$qsubfile
echo "#SBATCH --mem-per-cpu=3800">>$qsubfile
echo "#SBATCH --account=narayanan">>$qsubfile
echo "#SBATCH --qos=narayanan-b">>$qsubfile
echo "#SBATCH --array=0-99">>$qsubfile # preferably modify with a % ‘max number of jobs’ when actually running, job # will correspond to galaxy number in some way
echo -e "\n">>$qsubfile
echo -e "\n" >>$qsubfile

# the meat of the job script that actually tells SLURM what to do
# get your modules loaded (make sure to modify with your own appropriate ones)
echo "cd /home/d.zimmerman">>$qsubfile
echo "module purge">>$qsubfile
echo "source .bashrc">>$qsubfile
echo "source activate master_env">>$qsubfile
echo -e "\n">>$qsubfile
echo "module load git">>$qsubfile
#echo "module load gcc/12.2.0">>$qsubfile
echo "module load intel/2020.0.166">>$qsubfile
echo "module load openmpi/4.1.5">>$qsubfile
echo "module load hdf5/1.14.1">>$qsubfile
echo -e "\n">>$qsubfile

echo "ID=\$(awk '{if(NR==(n+1)) print int(\$0)}' n=\${SLURM_ARRAY_TASK_ID} /orange/narayanan/d.zimmerman/simba/m25n512/snap${snap}/snap${snap}_gas_gals.txt)">>$qsubfile # Something Dhruv has used to only run POWDERDAY on galaxies with gas (you will need to set up the txt file if you want this), important if you are running over many galaxies in a simulation, if not, substitute subsequent ‘ID’ instances with ‘SLURM_ARRAY_TASK_ID’, which is a SLURM variable
echo -e "\n">>$qsubfile
# calling POWDERDAY
echo "cd /home/d.zimmerman/powderday/">>$qsubfile
echo "pd_front_end.py $model_dir_remote parameters_master_catalog snap${snap}_galaxy\${ID} > $out_dir/outlogs/snap${snap}_galaxy\${ID}.log">>$qsubfile
echo "date"

7.3.4. Doing it All the Setup in One Go

Dhruv’s modified scripts are constructed and intended so that one can run them for a bunch of snapshots at once given the CAESAR files and intended destinations. If you’re confident that you have the above scripts working all correctly, you can modify the bash scripts below to do everything you want in one go for all snapshots you care about. I would personally recommend filtering separately and then running the POWDERDAY setup as below as filtering will be the majority of the time usage and has different memory requirements, but it should not be a problem to run both as long as you adjust the job parameters appropriately. Note that if you want to use the m100 box, you should also be careful with both memory and time allocations.:

# start of filter bash script

#SBATCH --job-name=simba_filter_array
#SBATCH --output=output.log
#SBATCH --mail-type=ALL
#SBATCH --mail-user=[…]@ufl.edu
#SBATCH --ntasks=4
#SBATCH --nodes=1
#SBATCH --mem=60gb
#SBATCH --account=narayanan
#SBATCH --qos=narayanan
#SBATCH --time=20:00:00
#SBATCH --array=[…]

cd /home/d.zimmerman
module purge
source .bashrc

source activate master_env

module load git
#module load gcc/12.2.0
module load intel/2020.0.166
module load openmpi/4.1.5
module load hdf5/1.14.1

python /home/d.zimmerman/sl_simulation_tools-main/filter_simba_all.py $SLURM_ARRAY_TASK_ID


# start of powderday setup bash script

#SBATCH --job-name=simba_pd_setup
#SBATCH --output=output_pd_setup.log
#SBATCH --mail-type=ALL
#SBATCH --mail-user=[...]@ufl.edu
#SBATCH --ntasks=4
#SBATCH --nodes=1
#SBATCH --mem=10gb
#SBATCH --account=narayanan
#SBATCH --qos=narayanan
#SBATCH --time=20:00:00
#SBATCH --array=87

#74,104,127,160,212,305 - list of snapshots that correspond to array jobs

cd /home/d.zimmerman
module purge
source .bashrc

source activate master_env

module load git
#module load gcc/12.2.0
module load intel/2020.0.166
module load openmpi/4.1.5
module load hdf5/1.14.1

cd /home/d.zimmerman/sl_simulation_tools-main/

python /home/d.zimmerman/sl_simulation_tools-main/galaxy_positions.py $SLURM_ARRAY_TASK_ID
#python /home/d.zimmerman/caesar_good_gal_script.py $SLURM_ARRAY_TASK_ID
python /home/d.zimmerman/sl_simulation_tools-main/powderday_setup.py $SLURM_ARRAY_TASK_ID

The script for filtering galaxies for those with only gas is relatively simple and can be found below or at /home/d.zimmerman/caesar_good_gals_script.py:

import yt
import caesar
import numpy as np
import sys
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

simb_run = "m100n1024" # again, which SIMBA box you care aboute

fileroot = '/orange/narayanan/d.zimmerman/simba/'+simb_run+'/caesar_cats/caesar_simba_' # where are your CAESAR files?
saveroot = '/orange/narayanan/d.zimmerman/simba/'+simb_run+'/snap' # where do you want this to do?

snapnums=[127,142,160,183,212,252,305] # list of snapshots
num = int(sys.argv[1])

#for num in snapnums: # you’ll want to comment out above and uncomment this to run this outside the above script setup
caes_obj = caesar.load(fileroot+str(num)+fileex)
gal_gasses = np.array([caes_obj.galaxies[i].masses['gas'] for i in range(len(caes_obj.galaxies))])
gal_index_list = np.array(range(len(gal_gasses)),dtype=int)
good_gals = gal_index_list[gal_gasses > 0]
test_file = open(saveroot+str(num)+"/snap"+str(num)+"_gas_gals.txt","w")
#for j in good_gals:
np.savetxt(test_file,good_gals,fmt='%s') # save info into text file

With that, you simply need to copy over a parameters_master file to your directories containing your automatically generated parameters_model files, and you are all set to run POWDERDAY systematically for large numbers of galaxies in a snapshot!